Thursday, October 30, 2014

Conflicting Climate Change Reports: The "Global Warming Pause"

Hello Everyone,

Here are links to two articles drawing very different conclusions over whether global temperatures are increasing or not that showed up on my Facebook page recently (I have friends from all parts of the political spectrum).

Report: No Global Warming for the Last 215 Months.

The pause in global warming is not even a thing.

And two more.

The Global Warming Pause Puts "Crisis" in Perspective.

Who Created the Global Warming Pause?

Article from Yesterday

George P. Bush and how the next generation of  Republicans talk about climate change.  Climate Progress

Katharine Hayhoe: Texas Tech University Climate Center

Dr. Hayhoe's Website

Here is a link to a couple of articles about Tech Political Science Professor Katharine Hayhoe. Dr. Hayhoe is a climate scientist whose research supports the conclusion that human activity have helped to cause global climate change. Dr. Hayhoe is perhaps unique in the debate about climate change because she is an evangelical Christian and she and her husband, a pastor, have written a book about climate change from an evangelical perspective.


Interview with Dr. Hayhoe-

Religion and Climate Change

Dr. Hayhoe interviewed by Bill Moyers (25 minutes)

Katharine Hayhoe: Climate Change Evangelist.

Dr. Hayhoe Receives Death Threats

I was quite disturbed to learn that her views have led to her receiving death threats!! If you would like to know more about this then please take a look at the following articles. I think these articles show how misunderstood the process of science is by many Americans!

Texas Tech scientist sees intimidation effort behind barrage of hate mail.

Newt Dumps Christian Climate Scientist

If All of the Ice Caps Melted: Cool Interactive Map From National Geographic

Climate Deniers and the IPCC Report

Here is my (incomplete and poorly organized attempt) to try to gather additional useful and interesting information about climate change.  First, I will post the "Summary for Policy Makers" recently released by the IPCC and a recent USA Today article expressing and opposite viewpoint.
The I will list some links to some "climate change deniers" groups (this list is certainly not exhaustive).  Finally I have included links to some interesting vides on both sides of the "climate debate".

IPCC Report

IPCC Summary for Policy Makers-

IPCC Exaggerates Risks: Opposing View (USA Today October 14, 2013)-

The Science Fiction of IPCC Climate Models. (Heartland Institute, October 12, 2013)-

Some Climate Change Denial Groups

Heartland Institute-

Climate Change Dispatch-

Climate Change Denial-

Friends of Science-

Heartland Institute and its NIPPC Report fails the credibility test-


Rick Perry Debate-

Sarah Palin: Climate change in the new eugenics.

Global Warming Panic Explained-

Providing Insight into Climate Change-

The Truth About Global Warming- Stephen Schneider:

Bill Nye vs Marc Morano (CNN debate)

Koch Industries and Climate Denial -

Climate Deniers: Bill Maher-  (careful, contains a few naughty words)

Recent Articles: Weather Channel Founder Says Climate Change is a Myth

Bad Bad Science: Weather Channel founder says climate change is a myth: FoxNews Insider. October 28, 2014.

Weather Channel co-founder's climate denial finds warm welcome at Fox News. Mdeia Matters For America. October 28, 2014.

Plate Tectonics Cake

Now that you are experts "subduction zone dancers" do you think you are ready to try baking a "subduction zone cake"?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Global Carbon Cycle and Climate Change

Most of the slides from the global climate change portion of this presentation came from Katharine Hayhoe's website (she is a professor in the Tech Political Science Dept and the link to her website is listed on the presentation).

Global Carbon Cycle and Global Climate Change

Further Reading

Climate Change FAQ-

Causes of Climate Change-

Global Warming-

Economics of Climate Change-

Mauna Loa Curve-

Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course a fully engaged student should be able to

- identify the major reservoirs of carbon

- discuss the two most important biological processes that result in a movement of carbon from one reservoir to another

- discuss the three ways that human activity has altered the global carbon cycle

- explain the Mauna Loa Curve

- discuss why climate scientists have concluded that global temperatures have increased

- discuss why climate scientists have concluded that this increase in temperature is most likely caused by humans

- discuss some potential consequences of global climate change

Intro to Ecosystem Ecology

NOTE!!! By the end of this class you should be able to discuss what is wrong with the diagram shown above!!!!!

Ecosystem ecologists focus on the flow of energy and the cycling of nutrients through the ecosystem.

Further Readings


Ecological energetics-

Nitrogen cycle-

Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course a fully engaged student should be able to

- diagram and discuss the flow of energy through an ecosystem

- diagram nitrogen cycle within an ecosystem

How does plate tectonics relate to coral reefs?


Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course a fully engaged student should be able to

i) distinguish between a patch reef, barrier reef, fringing reef, and atol

ii) discuss Darwin's theory of coral reef formation

Friday, October 17, 2014

Plate Tectonics

Expected Learning Outomes

By the end of this course a fully engaged student should be able to

i) discuss the evidence for the movement of continents

ii) discuss the mechanism causing the movement of plates

iii) discuss what happens at plate boundaries

iv) discuss the variety of geological phenomena that can be understood in light of our knowledge of plate tectonics.

Geology Humor

Monday, October 13, 2014

How Old is Stuff?


James Hutton,_James


Charles Lyell,_Charles

Law of Superposition

Age of the Earth

How Do We Know The Age of the Earth

Radiometric Dating

How Old is the Universe



Radioactive Dating

Cool Interactive Website

Clocks in Rocks

Powerpoint Presentation

Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course a fully engaged student will be able to

- discuss the contributions of Hutton and Lyell to the development of the field of geology

- define uniformitarianism

- discuss why early geologists concluded that the Earth had to be much older than 6000 years

- discuss how scientists use radioactive dating to determine age

- briefly discuss how scientists determined the age of the Universe

The Earth: Part II


Structure of the Earth

The Big Bang

Composition of Rocks

Igneous Rock

Sedimentary Rock

Metamorphic Rock

Rock Cycle

Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course a fully engaged student should  be able to

- briefly discuss the characteristics of the different layers of the earth

- briefly discuss the origin of the Universe by the Big Bang

- discuss the three different types of rocks

- briefly discuss the rock cycle